WIN 17 | Congratulations to Faculty Grant Winners
CSRPC Faculty Funding Decisions – Grant Winners
Winter 2018
Matthew Briones, Associate Prof, History
Support for new course prep and grad RA: “History in the World: Race, Politics, and Sports in the U.S.”(Spring 2019)
Michael Dawson, Professor, Poli Sci & Adom Getachew, Assistant Prof., Poli Sci
Spring Quarter Race and Capitalism Project Mini-Panel on Race and Risk
Racial Capitalism Graduate Conference
Eve Ewing, Post-doc, SSA
Alternative School Attendance Project (ASAP) is a study intended to gather qualitative data on the experiences and perspectives of students attending an alternative high school.
Ramón A. Gutiérrez, Professor, History
Latino Studies scholars to give lectures at CSRPC in the winter/spring quarters of 2018: Professor Natalia Molina of the History Department at the University of California, San Diego; and Professor Christian Paiz of the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of California, Berkeley.
Kimberly Kay Hoang, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, post doc, Sociology
Du Bois Scholar Network
Waldo Johnson Jr., Associate Professor, SSA
Father-Son Communication Study: Violence & Safety in Urban, African-American Communities
Micere Keels, Associate Prof, Comparative Human Development
Conference: Trauma Responsive Schools: Disrupting the Association between Neighborhood Poverty and Poor Educational Outcomes
Danielle Roper, Post-Doc, Romance Languages & Literatures
Guest lecturers for her Spring course "Theatre and Performance in Latin America” including talk and exhibition by Liliana Angulo and a second Boal workshop with Teresa Veramendi.